Sunday, January 29, 2012

Stress on Children's Development

     One stressor that I experienced as a child was childhood diseases.  I recall contracting chickenpox as a young child.  While playing with my cousin over the weekend, he was already a carrier of chickenpox because he broke out in bumps everywhere on that Monday.  By the end of the week, I had broke out as well.  I had never experienced something so bad in my life.  All the bumps with the itching and scratching, taking lots of Benadryl and the misery.  I could not go outside to play with my friends.  That was horrible.  Chickenpox is a contagious disease that I don't wish on anyone.  I'm very glad that I was able to go through it as a child and not as an adult.  My grandmother experienced it as an adult and she had major complications and had a hard time getting over it.
     A part of the region that faces many childhood diseases is Haiti.  The children face diseases such as diarrhea, respiratory infections, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS which are the leading causes of death amongst children.  A lot of these diseases are due to poverty and inadequate access to basic health care.  It is estimated that there are 19,000 children with HIV/AIDS in Haiti.  Other things that are high risk are hepatitis A and E and typhoid fever which are caused by lack of water.  Children are particularly vunerable because they depend on adults to care for them.

Wilkinson, E. (2010, January 15). Haiti Children at Risk of Disease. BBC News. Retrieved from 

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