Sunday, March 11, 2012

Relationship Reflection

Relationships/Partnerships are important to me because it gives you that sense of security in knowing that you have someone that you can confide in and trust. It's that feeling of knowing that when you are feeling down or going through situations that those who are close to you are there to give you advice, be a friend and to give you that support that is needed.
Several people with whom I have positive relationships with are my mother-Sandra, my daughters-Tiara & Shakira, my fiance'-Johnavon, my best friend-Natoshia and my pastor-Nicholas.  Each relationship is positive because they are always encouraging me to be the person that I am and strive to do my best in everything that I do by putting God first.  Factors that contribute to developing and maintaining each relationship is the unconditional love and the special bond that each reflects on my life.
Insights regarding challenges to developing and maintaining relationships that I have learned from my experiences over time are that you must be patient, able to accept constructive criticism whether good or bad and be a good listener, not always wanting to voice your opinions.
Special characteristics of these relationships are that I share a unique bond with each individual.  It makes our relationship special and strong.
My experiences with relationships/partnerships has impacted my work as an effective early childhood professional because I can better understand the issues or concerns that affect my 27 staff.  I have a close and positive relationship with each of them.  Sometimes it can be challenging, but they each know that I am there for them every step of the way. 


  1. Hello Tonya,

    Thanks for sharing about your meaningful relationships. Having these relationships in place help us deal with the stresses of life, they may offer us wise council and encouragement when needed.

    Great Posting!


  2. I always say those that truly love you tell you what you need to hear and that may not be what want to hear. Constructive criticism can be hard to accept until you are reminded that it's coming from a loving place.
